miniMos reagents available from Addgene

We have released the miniMos reagents prior to publication so that other researchers can use them without having to wait.

The plasmids can be ordered either individually (see plasmids) or as a kit (29 plasmids – 8 co-injection vectors, 16 cloning vectors, 3 positive controls and 2 LacO vectors) from Addgene. Please see this page for information about ordering the kit. If you plan to order more than 7 plasmids it is cheaper to order the full kit. Addgene is a non-profit plasmid repository and we do not receive any compensation or commission – it is just the easiest way to distribute plasmids and saves us a lot of time dealing with shipping and MTAs.

Also, several people in the lab are in the process of developing a gene-trap system based on the miniMos transposon. Please don’t use the miniMos reagents prior to publication to compete with these efforts. We will release the gene-trap reagents as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any problems with the reagents – or if you notice mistakes in the protocols or plasmid files – so I can fix them as soon as possible. Using the feedback option is easiest.

Please cite “C. Frøkjær-Jensen and E.M. Jorgensen, unpublished reagents” if you manage to use the reagents in a publication before we publish the method.

Posted in miniMos