Synthetic Genome Biology in C. elegans @ KAUST


Who we are and what we do.

Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 platforms

Explore DNA & RNP-based CRISPR-Cas9 libraries


Single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion

piRNA interference

Programmable germline silencing.

TransgeneBuilder (Beta)

Optimize transgenes for C. elegans expression


Analyze DNA sequences or browse the C. elegans genome for PATCs.


Legacy site


June, 2023: Promotion to Associate professor. Thanks to all who contributed to our work and letter writers. Excited to continue our research at KAUST.

March, 2023: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Mohammed Al Johani on getting awarded a three-year post-doctoral Ibn Rushd fellowship!

Oct 20-21, 2022: Thanks to Juan Cabello and the participants at the Spanish Worm meeting! Cool science and great to catch up with my postdoc mentor, Andy Fire.

Oct 6, 2022: Sarah AlHarbi representing KAUST at CAMP2030.

Aug 8, 2022: The MosTI paper is out at G3. New & improved tools for transgenesis. We find the array insertions particularly useful. It was a ton of work – congrats to Sonia and Faisal!

July 26, 2022: The collaborative paper with Sam Gu@ Rutgers is out in Development. We played only a minor part but it’s an interesting story – check it out!

July 17, 2022: Our two excellent masters students Yasmine Soqrat and Khlifa Alnaim graduate. Congrats! We will miss you in the lab.

June 15, 2022: Public beta of TransgeneBuilder tool. Let us know if you find bugs (or, drop us a line if you find the tool useful).