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Bed track with protospacers (ce11/WS282)

Download (45.5 MB)

BigWig track with AlphaFold confidence scores (ce11/WS282)

Download (145 MB)

C. elegans CRISPR-Cas9 library DB

This website is generated via custom modified css/html code running in R via the shiny library.
All the templates, libraries, and programs used to produce this site are under the MIT and GNU licenses.
The R scripts and files to render this site can be found here

This website was designed by Mohammed Al-Johani (LinkedIn), Amhed Missael Vargas Velazquez (Github), and Christian Froekjaer-Jensen from the Laboratory of Synthetic Genome Biology

The Laboratory of Synthetic Genome Biology

The Laboratory of Synthetic Genome Biology is located in building 2 - level 3 (Ibn Al-Haytham – Above Spine) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
Contact info:
Christian-Froekjaer Jensen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Bioscience
Laboratory of Synthetic Genome Biology

Froekjaer-Jensen Lab @KAUST
Contact us!